Four Poems

Medea: Momma Drama-Rama

[From the beginning] [before we could call it] [anything]

[before we could interpret] [her gaze]

[before we could sense it] [in her touch]

[her tenderness seemed] [qualified] [by some unspoken rule] [or law]

[prescribed] [if you will] [by an unseen hand]

[pulling her away] [replacing one impulse]

[with another] [foreign & feigned] & [because] [it was all we ever knew]

[all we ever felt] [we believed it] [to be the norm]

[understood her long silences] [learned to never call her name]

[lived among those formal] [arrangements]

[like one] [who learns] [to live among wolves]

& [she rewarded our obedience] & [our behaviors]

[by sitting soundlessly] [in our presences]

[a royal mother] [a statuette carved] & [concise]

[if she did not seem to notice] [if she seemed] [consumed]

[by the events] [whispered cautiously]

[in the shadow] [of our walls/cisterns/porticos]

[we taught ourselves] [to love her]

[despite the distance] [perhaps] [in spite of her resistance]

& [so] [when she appeared] [rigid lioness]

[our cries/pleas/screams seemed] [not that]

[of innocent victims] [but fragments]

[not unlike her own ghastly task] [to be performed]

[beyond the blood] & [bounty of time]

Dorian Gray: Let’s Pretend Most of this Happened

[Grin to groin] & [brow to butt]

[the body is hedonism’s most agreeable] [argument]

[A pleasure craft of skin] & [tissue] & [time]

[what it can’t perceive] [is not worth knowing]

[what it can’t feel] [is not worth feeling]

[debauchery] [for all of its youthful machinations]

[might not be] [the one-way street] [Dr. Mephistopheles]

[would have us ascribe]

[the painting] [for instance]

[handsomely made] & [hideously unmade]

[how not unlike] [so many Christian martyrs]

[leprous] & [reviled]

[personifying the stain] & [embodying the transgressions]

[hosting the filth] & [exemplifying the hazards]

[of worldly excess] [in order to be what] [Clean?]

Pippi Longstocking: Girl with the Dragon Spitting Gap

[Circumstances] [produced her]

[consequences] [formed her]

[experiences drove her] [to appear]

[one word] [at a time]

[each action] [a sequence] [an action sequence]

[influencing the events] [that must inevitably follow]

& [in this way] [she understood]

[the fundamental vacuum] [of thought]

[as it conspires with purpose] & [peculiarity]

[White beyond white] [a prison sky]

[a village of subtext] [it’s impossible to say]

[which determined her] [more]

[the failure of intelligence] [or the intelligence of failure]

[either way] [the difficulties became florescent]

& [vague] & [she] [an orphan of extremes]

[smiled] [w/ emptiness] [at nothing in particular]

& [the particulars] [of nothing]

Tom Joad: Allegory of the Cave

[Leaving prison][he did not look] [like a philosopher]

[which is to say] [outwardly he lacked]

[what Raphael] [sought to preserve]

[in The School of Athens] [none of the muscle]

[none] [of the contemplative contrapposto] [none]

[of the voluminous robes]

[not even] [the splayed] & [sprawling Diogenes]

[unimpressed] [half undressed]

[could express] [what the ex-con was] [thinking]

[if that’s what you want to] [call it]

[Leaving the cave] [has its costs]

[reinventing the invention] [minus the man]

[minus the spark] [of speech] [isn’t a lot to go on]

& [yet] [the story can’t begin] [without his Henry Fonda] [face]

[gazing westward] [wasteward] [knowing]

[w/ doubt] & [dust as his guide] [that nothing good]

[can come from] [what has already gone]

PATRICK MORAN is the author of five poetry books, editor of a contemporary Scottish poetry anthology, and creative writing teacher at Univ. of Wisconsin-Whitewater.